
Students with dyslexia learn differently, benefitting from daily, explicit instruction in literacy.

Hamlin Robinson School classroom spaces and teaching methods embrace effective learning strategies so students can achieve success. Our comprehensive school program delivers structured, explicit instruction across all content areas. Enrichment programs provide exposure to cultural, historic, civic, artistic, and science experiences. HRS’s program is organized by grade level but incorporates split-level groups, allowing for more tailored instruction. Age, social needs, and skills are all taken into consideration when determining the appropriate placement for a student. With the goal of student access, independence, and self-advocacy, HRS has an unwavering commitment to effective instruction and skill-building across all grade levels and classes. We empower students to understand themselves as learners so they can advocate for the tools they need to be successful in high school and beyond.

Lower School

  • Employs a classroom-based model of targeted instruction
  • Students achieve authentic success building their trust and confidence as learners
  • Offers integrated, effective instruction, nurturing a more optimal school-life balance
  • Fosters a lifelong love of learning

Middle School

  • Combines a rigorous academic program with intentional supports
  • Students practice executive function skills, organizational skills, and goal setting
  • Exercises self-advocacy and independence as core competencies
  • Cultivates empathy, critical thinking, and leadership skills

HRS Curriculum Guidebook


