Dyslexia Resources

web Resources and Books

The HRS Learning Center is the community outreach arm of Hamlin Robinson School. Resources found on this website are recommended by the HRS Learning Center; a dyslexia resource hub for students, families, educators, and other community members.

International Dyslexia Association Fact sheets and other resources from the International Dyslexia Association.

Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) OSPI of Washington offers the Family and Caregiver Discussion Guide with Educators and Schools.

WABIDA The Washington Branch of the International Dyslexia Association provides well organized information and resources, including referrals for evaluative testing and student assessments.

The Reading League Recommended for educators, the mission of The Reading League is to advance the awareness, understanding, and use of evidence-aligned reading instruction.

Read Washington Recommended for educators, offers up-to-date information on the Science of Reading and Explicit Instruction.

Dyslexia Alliance for Black Children Focused on raising awareness about dyslexia and effective reading instruction, transforming barriers to literacy through education and empowerment, and confronting racial bias in public education through collaboration and action.

Understood A resource site dedicated to learning and attention issues, including specific resources dedicated to dyslexia.

Dyslexia Help (University of Michigan)
Tips, ideas, activities, materials, website links, and other resources related to dyslexia.

Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity A leading source for research and information to better the lives of people with dyslexia.

National Center for Learning Disabilities A comprehensive guide to understanding learning and attention issues.

Decoding Dyslexia A network of parent-led grassroots movements across the country concerned with the limited access to educational interventions for dyslexia within the public education system. Keep up with the latest news here through each state’s Facebook page.

Dyslexic Advantage Dedicated to increasing awareness, education, and research into the strengths and talents of people with dyslexia. Includes informational videos.

DO-IT Center The international DO-IT Center promotes the success of individuals with disabilities in postsecondary education and careers, using technology as an empowering tool.

The Reading Well Provides resources for dyslexia, including a list of schools serving students with language-learning differences.

Edutopia Repository for cutting edge educational practice and learning. Use the search tool for information specifically about dyslexia and learning differences.

Book Recommendations

TRY DIFFERENTLY was created to combat the stereotypical responses to students with language-based learning differences. These students are bright. They’re eager to learn. They’re talented, creative, and driven. When they’re given the support and resources that they need, they can excel.

One in five kids have dyslexia or another language-based learning difference. These students, along with their families, have heard every societal misconception and myth out there. Often labeled as slow, unintelligent, or lazy, they’re told that if they would just “try harder,” they could succeed.

When it comes to dyslexia, it’s not about trying harder. It’s about trying differently.