
Getting to HRS

Families commuting to Hamlin Robinson School can opt for a variety of transportation options including private bus service, car pool, or public transportation. In the growing community of the Rainier Valley, we encourage families to consider options to reduce traffic congestion. 

Bus Service

In partnership with our bus service provider, Zum, HRS offers morning and afternoon bus service on routes throughout the Seattle area at an additional cost. Bus registration is now open for the 2024-2025 school year through CampBrain. Bus service reduces traffic congestion during drop off and pick up.

Car Pool

In addition to bus service, many families choose to car pool. Car pool arrangements are made independent of the school. For currently enrolled families, a family locator map can be found on myHRS to assist with connections.  

Metro + Light rail

There are two Metro bus stops near HRS. One on Rainier Ave South and I-90 and one on the corner of Rainer Ave South and South State Street. Both are a 3-minute walk to the school.

The Judkins Park light rail station is scheduled to open within the next two years.